About Colleen McLaughlin Barlow

Colleen’s work is a response to the beauty of the natural world including human and animal anatomy as well as astronomy. She has charted new territory by exploring these themes, which are usually the preserve of science from her own artist’s viewpoint.

One of her most unique series is ‘Whale Dreams’, cast lead crystal whale bones in oceanic colours. Observing actual whale bones, Colleen sculpts careful portraits of individual bones in clay, which are then cast into lead crystal using the lost wax process.

She was the first artist-in-residence at an international telescope — the Canada France Hawaii Telescope on the big island of Hawaii. Living and working amongst the astro-physicists, astronomers, engineers and software specialists, she made art about their lives at work and about the telescope itself. She offered creative art breaks to the employees, which were so popular that she was invited back two years later. She was then invited to the Gemini Telescope in the Andes Mountains of Chile and the Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona.

Banner Photo Credit: Colleen Barlow, Prime Focus Camera.
Below Photo Credit: Mike Wagner, Assistant Observatory Manager, Large Binocular Telescope.